Yesterday Bobby saw my profile while I was looking on my page, and he read where I wrote "Yummy Wentworth Miller". He has teased me non-stop since then about using the word "yummy" about a guy when I am married! He said "I am going to make a page with pictures of Carmen Elektra and write "Yummy" all over my page!" or "Am I yummy?" Then he walks around the house going "Ummm... Yummy!" I explained to him it was a twist on Grey's Anatomy where they call people yummy, or actually McYummy, McDreamy, McSteamy, etc... I told him I liked the personality of the character the actor plays on "Prison Break". So he said "No, you didn't put "Yummy personality"!" Ughh!!! ;) And then, once again I received the reminder "We need TWO adults in this marriage, Jennifer. TWO!" ;)
And the disaster of the day was when I decided to try to color my own hair, even though I have NEVER once did it successfully on my own. So I go to Wal-Mart, get a box of light ash brown, and color my hair. It comes out too light for my taste, almost blonde with red even though I used an ash (My hair always grabs red, no matter what!). I didn't like it, so I went back back and got medium reddish brown. That turned my hair a clownish coppery-orange! The ends were now black, the middle red, and the roots orange, no exaggeration! I was in tears by then because I go back to work next Wednesday, so I went back to Wal-Mart and had highlights put in professionally at their salon. The stylist tried to put a toner in my hair to calm the color down I had put in, but that didn't work. She did put some blonde and caramel highlights throughout my hair, and that does look a lot better, if you can get past the copper red at the roots, ughh!! Everytime I try to color my own hair, I promise it will be the last time. Hopefully I have finally learned my lesson, an expensive one, too!
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