Tuesday, November 24, 2009


This is what greeted me this afternoon on my HP Vista laptop! This is enough to send me over-the-edge! How on earth will I manage without my laptop?! There are certain fundamentals that I need to exist, such as oxygen, water, Milkduds, Dt. Mt. Dew, and my laptop with internet access... Luckily I took out the extended two-year-warranty from Wal-Mart when I purchased my laptop, but I still have to wait to have it repaired and mailed back to me?!? Ugh!!!

My fingers are twitching already... Friends, expect numerous texts in the meantime.

1 comment:

mrs.boring stay at homer said...

Will you still be able to blog?! First you're gone from Facebook, I can't be cut off from you entirely!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!